New South Wales can join the world in capturing the abundant benefits of electric
vehicles if it pulls the right levers in the upcoming budget, according to the Electric
Vehicle Council.
NSW Transport Minister Andrew Constance is today reported as saying the state
government should not introduce a special EV levy until electric vehicles made up 40 to
50 per cent of the car market, saying “we will be judged… [on who] scales up EVs and
improves our air quality and our public health and at the same time delivers for our
Mr Constance has also today proposed waiving stamp duty, access to transit lanes, and
subsidised parking for electric cars.
EVC chief executive Behyad Jafari said Mr Constance was absolutely right and NSW had
a historic opportunity.
“At this point in time the public interest is going to be much better served by rapid electric
vehicle uptake than by skimming a little extra tax from the few EVs that are already
registered,” Mr Jafari said.
“The transition to electric cars will clean our streets of exhaust and noise, lowering health
costs, reducing carbon emissions, and helping break the state’s dependence on foreign
oil. This will represent billions of dollars in economic benefit.
“There’s a great opportunity for New South Wales to have it all here. Well-targeted
subsidies now, as seen elsewhere across the globe, would create a boom in EV sales.
“Then, once the state starts capturing the benefits from fleet electrification, that would be
the perfect time to start introducing smart road user charges.”