Marshall Gov should slow down on EV announcements, ensure it gets the right holistic policy for SA

Marshall Gov should slow down on EV announcements, ensure it gets the right holistic policy for SA

The Electric Vehicle Council (EVC) is urging the South Australian Government to slow down and deliver a single coherent and complementary policy on the transition to electric vehicles to avoid confusion and wasted effort. Today the SA Treasurer, Rob Lucas, announced a plan to offer subsides to motorists who purchase new electric cars, while delaying the introduction of a special road user charge (RUC) on EVs by five years. EVC chief executive Behyad Jafari said while there were plenty of positive signals in the announcement today, the SA Government would be better served to think holistically about its EV strategy. “We’re grateful the SA Government has listened to experts and delayed the introduction of a special road user charge for EVs from coming into effect next year. That would have been disastrous for the transition to zero-emission vehicles in the state,” Mr Jafari said. “However, the retention of the policy still sends a very confusing signal to the market. There is nothing wrong with road user charges per se, but in the current form the SA policy singles out drivers who have elected to do the responsible thing by society by choosing a zero-emission car. “The SA Government has very sensibly been consulting on this issue and has invited submissions from stakeholders across the industry. Instead of moving ahead with a quick plan now, it would be preferable to slow down, examine the evidence presented, and develop a holistic plan. “The holistic plan laid out by the NSW Government, for example, will set that state up to benefit from the myriad benefits of a transition to EVs – cleaner air to breathe, reduced dependence on foreign oil, and lower carbon emissions. NSW will also attract the world’s best, and most affordable, electric cars for sale in the state. “South Australia can and should enjoy these same benefits. But to achieve this the SA Government should tap the brakes and really consider the evidence before announcing more elements of its EV approach.”

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