Electric Vehicle Council launches new EV digital information hub

Electric Vehicle Council launches new EV digital information hub

Driving the Electric Vehicle Agenda The Electric Vehicle Council continues to lead the charge in terms of education and market development around electric vehicles for Canberra and the surrounding region. The ACT’s Planning Minister, Mr Mick Gentleman MLA, has today launched the Electric Vehicle Council’s new website: The Electric Vehicle Council’s website is a smart hub containing the latest news and developments regarding electric transport both locally and around the globe. Minister Gentleman says the Electric Vehicle Council’s website is at the forefront of electric vehicle education, and delivers a number of innovative solutions for site visitors:
  • A daily cost comparator which demonstrates, in real terms, the cost savings that can achieved be through the use of an electric vehicle rather than a traditionally fuelled vehicle, with running costs updated daily;
  • An interactive map of charging points available in and around Canberra to enable electric vehicle owners to re-‘fuel’ with ease;
  • A live news feed containing electric transport updates and innovations – from both local sources and other news providers around the globe;
  • Comprehensive resources that detail cutting-edge developments in the global electric vehicle industry;
  • A search tool to assist prospective car buyers with the options and opportunities associated with buying new or used electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles;
  • Information on charging infrastructure and related requirements, including details of product and service providers for both homes and business;  and
  • Meaningful information on the economic and environmental benefits of electric vehicle use when compared with traditionally fuelled vehicles.
Minister Gentleman has for a number of years been a strong advocate for a lower carbon transport network in Canberra, and has said “Choosing the cleanest, greenest car that meets your needs can save you money in terms of fuel costs and motor vehicle duty.  Further to the cost savings for drivers, electric transport solutions also deliver an extensive range of environmental benefits, in that they keep our air cleaner and can play a significant part in reducing the carbon emissions associated with transport”. Ron Collins, Chair of the Electric Vehicle Council, has said “There is now one dedicated site for interested stakeholders to access current, consolidated information on electric vehicles. The Electric Vehicle Council’s new website makes it easier for consumers, business and even government organisations to access up-to-date information and resources on electric vehicles.  The website is rich in content and supports our efforts to share knowledge and expertise around electric vehicles for Canberra and the surrounding region”. The Electric Vehicle Council welcomes feedback on its new website via the contact us page on the website. — The Electric Vehicle Council is the national body representing the emerging electric vehicle industry in Australia. Representing members involved in providing, powering and supporting electric vehicles, our mission is to lead and support the electric vehicle industry in Australia. Media Spokesman – Behyad Jafari 0431 549 220  

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