New Victorian target and subsidies for EVs could help push Australia back toward the global pack

New Victorian target and subsidies for EVs could help push Australia back toward the global pack

The Electric Vehicle Council (EVC) has welcomed the intent shown by the Victorian Government with its commitment to achieving half of all new car sales to be electric by 2030 and subsidies for new electric vehicle sales. The Andrews Government has announced it will provide 20,000 subsidies of up to $3,000 for new electric vehicle purchases under $69,000, as part of a $100-million plan to encourage electric vehicle sales. EVC chief executive Behyad Jafari said today’s announcement was a welcome step. “This is exactly the kind of momentum we need in Australia if we want to join the rest of the world in embracing the transition to electric vehicles,” Mr Jafari said. “We know from surveys that Australians are eager to get behind the wheel of an electric vehicle, they just need to know their governments will back that decision. Policies like this tell Australians that buying an electric vehicle is a choice they can make with confidence. “Only 0.1 per cent of Victorian cars are currently electric. The subsidies announced could help drive that figure up sharply and put a huge dent in Victoria’s carbon emissions.” “Reaching a target of 50% electric vehicle sales by 2030 is a positive and reasonable target. It will take work, but with industry, government and community working together, we can achieve this and unlock the many benefits that come with it.” The Victorian Government has also announced a tax on the use of electric vehicles. “The Electric Vehicle Council has advanced a range of suggestions on how to improve Victoria’s EV tax, from staging its introduction to kick in from 2030, to limiting its impact to ensure electric car drivers pay less in tax than combustion engine vehicles. The electric vehicle industry stands ready to assist the Victorian Government get these policy settings right.

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